Our hikes throughout the summer involve water. And especially this summer with the humidity in the 30's. We're either at the lakes or Admiral's Cove. Today Nutella played pirate on her newly acquisitioned ship the SS Black Dog and her title became Captain Red Tail.
We were sad to say goodbye to Monkey on his last hike with us, as his family is moving to Ontario. We will miss you Monkey!
Sasha, Jess and Crosby are enjoying our hospitality as their families travel. We tried to provide a mini beach vacation. Crosby does need to learn not to indulge in salt water drinks. They weren't on the recommended menu! Kinda like travelling to Mexico and not drinking the bottled water!
SS Black Dog with Captain Red Tail
Smiling Monkey!
Argh ye maties toss those tennis balls faster.
Jess with her treasure!
Sasha bringing more bounty back to the ship.
The willing and able crew!