I hate to say goodbye!

Having been in business, this October, for 20 years, I have seen my clients come and go. It is especially hard to see them cross the Rainbow Bridge. One more crossed this month, my special girl, Maggie (or Magpie). She was always the sweet boarder, that never caused a change in the routine. It was almost like she lived here. When my father was still alive and living with me, Maggie and he would hang out together. She loved to just sit by and be petted. Out on the trail, her nose kept her busy. She was a hunting dog after all. But, she always came when she was called. I would send pictures to her Dad, while she was staying here and he would always comment that it looked like she was having a better vacation than he was, and that she’d probably not want to come home! I’m glad I took lots of pictures and made many great memories with her. Till we meet on the other side, Maggie, find me some awesome trails!
