The Golden Girls

This afternoon's hike introduced two new dogs to our pack.  They are beautiful Golden Retrievers named Summer and Fenway.  On the same hike was our fair Lucy, another golden.  The boys were balanced by Monkey and Roo the black Labs.  Nikki was the odd, non retriever breed.  Beautiful day for a hike, and I got to go on two!  Plus, I ended my day with a night ride on Phoenix!



Summer and Fenway (right)

Summer and Fenway (right)

Lucy, Summer and Fenway,  the Golden Girls!

Lucy, Summer and Fenway,  the Golden Girls!

The Retriever Gang!  Of course they're all in the water!

The Retriever Gang!  Of course they're all in the water!

Wonderful Fall hikes and sunsets

This is my most favourite time of the year.  I am glad that I have wonderful places to safely hike, with the advent of hunters in the woods.  The views and colours are breathtaking, and the scents for the dogs are pungent and exciting!  Roo is growing up, some of my other dogs are growing old :(, and the rest don't seem to change.  Will Brody ever grow up!

Roo with his favourite toy, a stick!

Roo with his favourite toy, a stick!

Buddy and Nikki in their teenage years.  Echo is still relatively young.

Buddy and Nikki in their teenage years.  Echo is still relatively young.

Nutella tree climbing.

Nutella tree climbing.

Yuki still manages to find mud less than one minute into the hike!

Yuki still manages to find mud less than one minute into the hike!

Sunset over Tucker Lake.

Sunset over Tucker Lake.

Another night at sunset on Tucker Lake.

Another night at sunset on Tucker Lake.

Sunset over Barrett Lake.

Sunset over Barrett Lake.

Roo meets the horses.

After our hike, we headed to the barn.  Roo was introduced to barn friends and animals.  The horses were a bit intimidating at first.  He overcame his tentativeness. Of course he wanted to lick their faces.  That didn't impress any of them.  They are all used to dogs, but dogs are not allowed in the paddock, so he was kept on leash.  One of these days, he may join us on a ride, but today, was just an introduction.

Horses starting left to right:  Phoenix, Rocky, Trigger, Skye and Aine.

Horses starting left to right:  Phoenix, Rocky, Trigger, Skye and Aine.

New Dog Mobile (temporary)

This was my first day trying out my brother, Peter's, truck with the dog cap he made for me.  My car is in the auto body shop.  It has great pluses, with a few minuses.  I love the fact that I came home and took the hose to the grass throw up that somebody left in the back!  The double doors work great!  My back may complain with having to lift some of my clients up into the back.  And my wallet may complain at the fuel economy, but other than that, I love driving the truck. Thanks, Peter!!


Patiently waiting to get out.

Patiently waiting to get out.

Goldie gets the privilege of the back seat of the cab.

Goldie gets the privilege of the back seat of the cab.

Roo can almost get through the window into the cab.

Roo can almost get through the window into the cab.

Side view.

Side view.

Rear view.

Rear view.

Fun at Fennerty Lake!

It was a great summer day to go play at the lake.  Richard and Andrea joined us for a swim and lots of stick throwing.  They were the labs favourite people.  Monkey had a "Mini Me" in Roo. Roo's first time swimming was captured on film, he was a natural.  The lake was followed by blackberry picking, of which several of the dogs picked for themselves, including Roo.

Richard and Andrea swimming

Richard and Andrea swimming

Monkey with one of many sticks.

Monkey with one of many sticks.

Can you see Sophie?

Can you see Sophie?

Roo giving Monkey a kiss.

Roo giving Monkey a kiss.

Monkey see, monkey Roo!

Monkey see, monkey Roo!

Roo swam out to Andrea for the first time.

Roo swam out to Andrea for the first time.

Roo swam back in with them too.

Roo swam back in with them too.

Swimming by himself.

Swimming by himself.

Swimming back out with Coco.

Swimming back out with Coco.

And back again.  It came naturally to Roo, and he definitely enjoyed himself!

And back again.  It came naturally to Roo, and he definitely enjoyed himself!

He wants to go out again with his friends.

He wants to go out again with his friends.

Cute couple!

Cute couple!

The dogs adored the attention and fun given to them by Richard.

The dogs adored the attention and fun given to them by Richard.

The sticks kept getting bigger and bigger, and the dogs' excitement matched it!

The sticks kept getting bigger and bigger, and the dogs' excitement matched it!

He didn't turn into my Prince Charming! LOL

He didn't turn into my Prince Charming! LOL

The ever photogenic Jovi.

The ever photogenic Jovi.

Water and sticks, Monkey's favourite things! 

Water and sticks, Monkey's favourite things!


"We weren't doing anything wrong!"

"We weren't doing anything wrong!"

Yuki surrounded by reflection, and looks like he's part of it.

Yuki surrounded by reflection, and looks like he's part of it.

A puppy package of cuteness!

A puppy package of cuteness!

The dogs have quickly discovered the joys of picking blackberries.

The dogs have quickly discovered the joys of picking blackberries.

They weren't the only ones.

They weren't the only ones.

A handful of yumminess! 

A handful of yumminess!