Spring is finally here!

The dogs were finally able to enjoy the ice free water, although I wouldn't enjoy the temperature. There still are a few clumps of snow under the trees. Fortunately the black flies aren't out yet, but the ticks are, so tick prevention is required.

Sigmund immersed to get maximum benefit! 

Sigmund immersed to get maximum benefit! 

Summer looking beautiful. 

Summer looking beautiful. 

Fenway in her glory! 

Fenway in her glory! 

Nutella waiting for a stick to be thrown. 

Nutella waiting for a stick to be thrown. 

Lots and lots of snow!!!

I hadn't posted for a while, and realized I didn't have anything from after our several snow storms, one of which dumped 70cm of snow! I'll just post a few things that will give you an idea of what kind of winter hikes we had this year. 

Dog sledding down our road with Nutella and Brannagh.

Dog sledding down our road with Nutella and Brannagh.

The trail is blazed through the deep snow.  Lola loves to rub her face in the snow.  But at one point, she had so much snow on her face, that she walked forward and ran into a tree! 

The trail is blazed through the deep snow.  Lola loves to rub her face in the snow.  But at one point, she had so much snow on her face, that she walked forward and ran into a tree! 

Nutella says she really likes the snow.

Nutella says she really likes the snow.

The snowshoes were a well used piece of hiking equipment this year.  Here Andrea is using them, while I use the cross country skis.  

The snowshoes were a well used piece of hiking equipment this year.  Here Andrea is using them, while I use the cross country skis.  

Galloping on the Golf Course

The dogs really enjoy when they are able to go for a hike on the golf course.  They love the wide open spaces to run and chase each other.  I added to the fun, with a funky ball from the Dollar Store.  It didn't last the hike, as someone chewed it apart!  The only thing that lasts, seems to be those Chuckit balls, unless they get lost.  There's one still to be found along the Fennerty Lake railway tracks.  Sophie is super fast with her new racing clip, and go fast mohawk on top!  She and Divot don't look as similar now.  Lots of Goldens today too, with Lucy, Hunter and Remi. It's hard to tell now if it is Roo or Monkey. 

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Another new hiking client.

Divot has joined our hiking group, and she fits right in.  She is a Portuguese Water Dog, but she looks very much like Sophie, our Australian Labradoodle.  As you can see from the expression on both their faces, even their personalities are similar.  Did I mention, I love my job!  It will soon be the season to get the dog sled out again!  Yay!  Also, it means clean dogs and horses, and my sleigh with bells will be used.  All good.  Guess I need to get my snow tires on though.  More hours in the day would be good too! 
