Puppies have grown so fast!

Anchor and Taisce are 18 days old.  They have grown to almost 4lbs, their eyes are open and they are alerting to sounds.  They play with each other and mouth at toys, and are fearless in their exploration.  They've met lots of two legged friends and one canine friend (Sophie came to visit the other day).  I spend way too much time watching them and cuddling with them.  They wag their tails to greet you and lick your face and chew on your fingers.  You can definitely feel their tiny sharp teeth just below the gums.  They should appear any day now.

Anchor meeting Sophie

Anchor meeting Sophie

Taisce playing with the duck.

Taisce playing with the duck.

Anchor teething on my finger.

Anchor teething on my finger.

Anchor exploring outside the whelping box with Mr Giraffe.

Anchor exploring outside the whelping box with Mr Giraffe.

Taisce tail and toes! So adorable!

Taisce tail and toes! So adorable!

Anchor posing for the camera

Anchor posing for the camera