Two New Hiking Buddies!

Divot brought two of her friends to start hiking with us, Bacon and Audrey.  They enjoyed their first hike at Sandy Lake.  It is so nice to see they enjoyed themselves and made new friends.  Sophie, Nutella and Lucky welcomed them to all the new sights and smells to share.  Despite the wet weather, we had a wonderful time.  Great day for taking pictures too.  I'm so glad my phone takes good pictures.  Now that we are doing pick ups off Hammonds Plains Rd, we may need to advertise that we will take on new clients in that area.  Welcome to Happy Hound Hikes, Audrey and Bacon!

Divot was proud to bring along two new friends.  She wasn't interested in sharing her sticks though!

Divot was proud to bring along two new friends.  She wasn't interested in sharing her sticks though!

Audrey, an eighteen month old Bernese/Newf mix.

Audrey, an eighteen month old Bernese/Newf mix.

Bacon, an eight month old Bernese/Pyrenees mix.

Bacon, an eight month old Bernese/Pyrenees mix.

A most beautiful winter day to ride and hike through the woods.

I was so thankful that the most recent winter storm left us with snow and not rain or freezing rain.  This mornings trees were painted white with snow.  By the time I cleaned out the driveway and cleared off the car, and the plough went by, the wind had blew the trees clear.  But our ride was still beautiful, as we blazed the first prints through the fresh snow.  Phoenix and the dogs were having a great time.  I am so blessed  to have such wonderful companions to share the day with.  Who else would have as much enthusiasm!

Summer time fun! And saying goodbye to Monkey :(

Our hikes throughout the summer involve water. And especially this summer with the humidity in the 30's. We're either at the lakes or Admiral's Cove. Today Nutella played pirate on her newly acquisitioned ship the SS Black Dog and her title became Captain Red Tail. 

We were sad to say goodbye to Monkey on his last hike with us, as his family is moving to Ontario. We will miss you Monkey! 

Sasha, Jess and Crosby are enjoying our hospitality as their families travel. We tried to provide a mini beach vacation. Crosby does need to learn not to indulge in salt water drinks. They weren't on the recommended menu! Kinda like travelling to Mexico and not drinking the bottled water! 


SS Black Dog with Captain Red Tail 

SS Black Dog with Captain Red Tail


Smiling Monkey! 

Smiling Monkey! 

Argh ye maties toss those tennis balls faster.

Argh ye maties toss those tennis balls faster.

Jess with her treasure!  

Jess with her treasure! 


Sasha bringing more bounty back to the ship. 

Sasha bringing more bounty back to the ship. 

The willing and able crew! 

The willing and able crew! 

Summer time fun with Phoenix and the dogs

We had a great time today at the barn, with the dogs helping with chores (following my every move and bringing a ball for me to throw). Then we hit the woods trail, riding to the lake for a swim. I rode Phoenix bareback, and he enjoyed eating the water plants. He also helped groom the trail, standing still while I pruned branches from overhead with my pruners. 

Phoenix saying Hi to Sumi. 

Phoenix saying Hi to Sumi. 

Divot walked out to the end of this log in the water. She seemed quite proud of herself. 

Divot walked out to the end of this log in the water. She seemed quite proud of herself. 

Phoenix enjoying the water and a green snack at the same time. 

Phoenix enjoying the water and a green snack at the same time.